Meðfylgjandi er frétt um auglýsingu Starfsmenntunarsjóðs ungra kvenna sem birt var á heimasíðu Vision Media, upplýsingaveitu um málefni innflytjenda á Íslandi.
Bandalag kvenna í Reykjavík ─ The Federation of Women’s Societies in Reykjavik (FWSR) is now accepting applications for the women‘s educational fund. Its purpose is to encourage and support women in Reykjavík, who do not qualify for student loans, to continue their education.
The fund, which was established in 1995, has so far awarded 109 individuals with grants totaling more than 12 million ISK. The majority of applicants are single mothers who left school for different reasons. Each year roughly 20-30 applications are submitted. This year, the Federation is focusing on raising awareness on the existing gender pay gap and ways to minimise it.
Click here to access the rules and application form for academic year 2013-2014.
It is also possible to pick up an application form in Thorvaldsensbasarinn on Austurstræti 4 on weekdays between 14:00 to 18:00.
Applications should be sent to The Federation of Women’s Societies in Reykjavik, Túngata 14, 101 Reykjavik, marked “Námsstyrkir‟ before June 19.
Any inquiries should be addressed to
Click here to visit FSWR website.
Ania Wozniczka